Email User

My name is John. I was born towards the end of 1966 (you do the math). I am very boring and can provide written testimonies to that effect if required.


Best Climbing Experience
I think we all know that it's about the grade. Grades are forever, small changes in brain chemistry soon dissipate.

Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
Anything that descends into name calling and acrimony.

Recent Postings

List all my recent posts.

Personal Webpage

Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 6 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Blantyre Towers, The Padlock, The Minister, Clach a' Bhreatunnaich (The Briton’s Stone), The Steeple, Shielhill Cave

Interests Outside Climbing
Er... I really am very boring. Occasionally, I clad myself in Lycra to do a bit of MAMIL type cycling, reliving my youthful Tour de France dreams.

About My Photography
I only upload 5's but the voters are fickle.

Photo Gallery

Send day.

Send day.

Sonnighorn from Mittel Allalin, Saas Fee

Sonnighorn from Mittel Allalin, Saas Fee

Glen Feshie, Cairngorms

Glen Feshie, Cairngorms

Lenzspitze and Nadelhorn

Lenzspitze and Nadelhorn

The onsight go.

The onsight go.

Sonnie Trotter - Requiem E8 6b

Sonnie Trotter - Requiem E8 6b

Sampling a new crag.

Sampling a new crag.

Sonnie Trotter - Rhapsody - whipper number two

Sonnie Trotter - Rhapsody - whipper number two

Click to view JLS's gallery. (128 photos)
Click to search for photos of climbers called JLS.

Click to list photo comments written by me. (56 comments)
I've voted for 61 photos, average vote 4.4.
(55% superb - 29% good - 14% average - 0% poor - 0% rubbish)

Video Gallery

View all of JLS's video gallery

Anything Else We Should Know
Life is very very very very shor...

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