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An evening and weekend warrior. Mostly trad and sport climbing, some bouldering. Always keen to improve but love the big days out in the hills too.

Best Climbing Experience
Climbing the pinnacle at Symonds Yat for the first time with Dad. Onsighting the last pitch of Out of Africa, in Madagascar, 7a. Onsighting my first E5. Myself and JT doing our first E7 and E8 at Nesscliffe. Le Diedre Sud on the Quiquillon with Dad. Multipitch in Paklenica, Dolomites and Picos with Tom. La Demande... A week of perfect sunshine in the Dolomites with my Dad. The quiet N. Wales days trying hard in the sun.

Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
Arguing to the death about ethics ;) British climbing. Is it really onsight if you didnt start from sea level without a guidebook?

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 12 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Spion Kop, Gist Ddu, Mount Ollivier, Aberystwyth Sea Wall, Craig Y Hyrddod, Tsaranoro, Poo de Cabrales, Halkyn Mountain, Pico Ruivo, Santa Maria ... plus 2 more

Interests Outside Climbing
Walking, guitar playing. Geography, maps and travelling!

Photo Gallery

The runout on Mean Feat!

The runout on Mean Feat!
© james.slater

Meat Feat in Pembroke

Meat Feat in Pembroke
© james.slater

Out of Africa, 580m, 7a. Wild Madagascan climbing!

Out of Africa, 580m, 7a. Wild Madagascan climbing!
© james.slater

The 00 brass nut face!

The 00 brass nut face!
© james.slater

The first of many long pitches on a big route! Out of Africa in Madagascar.

The first of many long pitches on a big route! Out of Africa in Madagascar.
© james.slater

Big walling in Madagascar

Big walling in Madagascar
© james.slater

Biscotte Margarine - a heart pounder!

Biscotte Margarine - a heart pounder!
© james.slater

Wild Verdon climbing!

Wild Verdon climbing!
© james.slater

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