
Email User

Jonny Ashton


Best Climbing Experience
El Capitan twice in 11 days

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 3 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Lelaki, La Cabrera, El Sporting

Photo Gallery

Amazing Whitney Portal

Amazing Whitney Portal
© ashtond6

having fun on the flake !

having fun on the flake !
© ashtond6

Stunning Supercrack

Stunning Supercrack
© ashtond6

Leaning tower exposure!

Leaning tower exposure!
© ashtond6

Wet Denim

Wet Denim
© ashtond6

What better way to spend a winter evening

What better way to spend a winter evening
© ashtond6

The hardest move on Telli!

The hardest move on Telli!
© ashtond6

The Pancake Flake

The Pancake Flake
© ashtond6

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