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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 3 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Craigs of Kyle, Benbeoch, Lynn Glen

Photo Gallery

Glencoe Panorama

Glencoe Panorama
© morpcat

Jim contemplating the long walk ahead

Jim contemplating the long walk ahead
© morpcat

Aonach Eagach and Bidean Nam Bian

Aonach Eagach and Bidean Nam Bian
© morpcat

Climbing the ridge in fine weather

Climbing the ridge in fine weather
© morpcat

Buttermere Lake

Buttermere Lake
© morpcat

Pitch 5, Green Gully

Pitch 5, Green Gully
© morpcat

Jim on snow in north Iceland

Jim on snow in north Iceland
© morpcat

Summit cairn of Haystacks, 7am

Summit cairn of Haystacks, 7am
© morpcat

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I've voted for 203 photos, average vote 4.7.
(76% superb - 15% good - 4% average - 1% poor - 0% rubbish)

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