Neil Foster

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Emma Twyford on her successful onsight of Aegialis (F7c), Kalymnos

Emma Twyford on her successful onsight of Aegialis (F7c), Kalymnos
© Neil Foster

Lucy warming up on Neptune

Lucy warming up on Neptune
© Neil Foster

Lucy on Neptune

Lucy on Neptune
© Neil Foster

Happy xmas from the Costa Blanca

Happy xmas from the Costa Blanca
© Neil Foster

Malham Cove (again!)

Malham Cove (again!)
© Neil Foster

Keeping it tidy!

Keeping it tidy!
© Neil Foster

The Boltest

The Boltest
© Neil Foster

Emma Twyford on her successful onsight of Aegialis (F7c), Kalymnos

Emma Twyford on her successful onsight of Aegialis (F7c), Kalymnos
© Neil Foster

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I've voted for 239 photos, average vote 4.3.
(65% superb - 12% good - 14% average - 5% poor - 1% rubbish)

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