Tom F Harding

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One more try before the rain sets in.

One more try before the rain sets in.
© Tom F Harding

Eidetind from the the island of Storøya

Eidetind from the the island of Storøya
© Tom F Harding

Eidetind from the the island of Storøya

Eidetind from the the island of Storøya
© Tom F Harding

The awesome North Face of Jannu (7710m) a week or so after its first Alpine ascent

The awesome North Face of Jannu (7710m) a week or so after its first Alpine ascent
© Tom F Harding

Tryfan from South West Manchester - 115km

Tryfan from South West Manchester - 115km
© Tom F Harding

The West coast of Hoy looking North-East. From left to right; St John's Head, Old Man of Hoy and Rora Head.

The West coast of Hoy looking North-East. From left to right; St John's Head, Old Man of Hoy and Rora Head.
© Tom F Harding

Scoresby Sund, East Greenland

Scoresby Sund, East Greenland
© Tom F Harding

Culm coast geology

Culm coast geology
© Tom F Harding

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