
Email User

Been climbing for 14 years now, only manage twice a week max, currently leading around HVS - E2 on a good day, happy seconding up to UK tech 6a, always happy to be contacted if people are looking for someone to get out with at whatever level. A selection winter routes up to 5/6 and a few alpine routes too.


Best Climbing Experience
on-sighting Cenotaph Corner
Pockkogel summit up the North face Via Ferrata
Original route on 'The old man of Stoer'

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 4 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Thurlstone Quarry (High Bank Lane), New Hill Crag (Formally known as Burton Bank), Digley Quarry, Chew quarry

Interests Outside Climbing

About My Photography
On my phone mostly

Photo Gallery

Steve enjoying the second pitch

Steve enjoying the second pitch
© Deezel65

The view from the top

The view from the top
© Deezel65

Perfect conditions

Perfect conditions
© Deezel65

Steve starting pitch 2

Steve starting pitch 2
© Deezel65

Me on the finishing glory jug

Me on the finishing glory jug
© Deezel65

Heading to the base of the hidden chimney

Heading to the base of the hidden chimney
© Deezel65

The full thing

The full thing
© Deezel65

Manly work

Manly work
© Deezel65

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