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New Zealand Cioch ***

New Zealand Cioch ***
© buffalo606

Peace and quiet on the Dent

Peace and quiet on the Dent
© buffalo606

Three alpinists at sunrise ****

Three alpinists at sunrise ****
© buffalo606

Escaping the clouds

Escaping the clouds
© buffalo606

Letterbox sunset on the Remarkables

Letterbox sunset on the Remarkables
© buffalo606

About to cross the 'snow patch' to reach Orion Face Ben Nevis before 6 hours of shocking weather

About to cross the 'snow patch' to reach Orion Face Ben Nevis before 6 hours of shocking weather
© buffalo606

Approaching South Pipe Direct for awesome times

Approaching South Pipe Direct for awesome times
© buffalo606

High over the Cioch

High over the Cioch
© buffalo606

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I've voted for 571 photos, average vote 4.8.
(88% superb - 8% good - 2% average - 0% poor - 0% rubbish)

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