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Moderator for 1 crag, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Carlin Tooth

Photo Gallery


© Euan Fowler

Bionnassay Ridge

Bionnassay Ridge
© Euan Fowler

Ruben on the bold, last pitch variation we did on Cruel Shoes

Ruben on the bold, last pitch variation we did on Cruel Shoes
© eaf4

Child's Play on a December afternoon.

Child's Play on a December afternoon.
© Niall Harris

The Gorge from the railway tunnels.

The Gorge from the railway tunnels.
© eaf4

A rare treat...boulders with a view of our wee valley in the Borders.

A rare treat...boulders with a view of our wee valley in the Borders.
© eaf4

View from the top of the Schreckhorn

View from the top of the Schreckhorn
© eaf4

Eiger Aspirant on a beautiful October day

Eiger Aspirant on a beautiful October day
© eaf4

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I've voted for 51 photos, average vote 4.5.
(72% superb - 11% good - 13% average - 1% poor - 0% rubbish)

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