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On the Via Ferrata Erminio Arosio - Corno di Grevo, in the Adamello group, Italian Alps.

On the Via Ferrata Erminio Arosio - Corno di Grevo, in the Adamello group, Italian Alps.
© Etta

Paine Massif from Rio Serrano

Paine Massif from Rio Serrano
© Etta

Dunraven Bay

Dunraven Bay
© Etta

Dunraven Bay - Playing with reflections

Dunraven Bay - Playing with reflections
© Etta

Dunraven Bay

Dunraven Bay
© Etta

Y Gribin in summer

Y Gribin in summer
© Etta

Wet sand reflection - Dunraven Bay

Wet sand reflection - Dunraven Bay
© Etta

Simon making his way up War of the Worlds

Simon making his way up War of the Worlds
© Etta

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