Steve Clegg

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Sixty+, moderately fit, slightly overweight(!) but still keen after 40+ years.
UK trad VS, Europe F6a, US 5.8

Best Climbing Experience
Best recent climbing experience. Easter 2013 in Ariege with Zoe. 5+ for me 4+ for her.

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Photo Gallery

The way we were - early 80s

The way we were - early 80s
© Steve Gough

Fame - but no fortune!!

Fame - but no fortune!!
© Adge

McVitie Man - takes the biscuit!

McVitie Man - takes the biscuit!
© Steve Gough

Not Black Friday

Not Black Friday
© Steve Clegg

Classic layback

Classic layback
© Steve Gough

Swivel hips

Swivel hips
© Steve Gough

One move from glory

One move from glory
© Steve Clegg

Topping out on Cave Buttress

Topping out on Cave Buttress
© Steve Clegg

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