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Best Climbing Experience
Turning up at Glen Brittle on a Saturday lunchtime after a 10 hour drive and deciding to go straight to the crag. Doing Crack of Doom, Arrow Route and Integrity and topping out in the evening sun on the ridge. Waking up the next day to find a week of cloud - glad we went for it!

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Grades, grades, grades.......

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Interests Outside Climbing
Not enough.....

About My Photography
I nearly always forget to get my camera out!

Photo Gallery

Contortions at Black Rocks

Contortions at Black Rocks
© gritstone

Harry at Bellus

Harry at Bellus
© gritstone

Moving out to the arete

Moving out to the arete
© gritstone

Crux of Acid Drop (E4 5c)

Crux of Acid Drop (E4 5c)
© gritstone

Crowded or what!

Crowded or what!
© gritstone

Moving up to the gear on Brown's Eliminate

Moving up to the gear on Brown's Eliminate
© gritstone

Summer evening on Brown's Eliminate

Summer evening on Brown's Eliminate
© gritstone

Croton Oil

Croton Oil
© gritstone

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I've voted for 3,061 photos, average vote 3.6.
(24% superb - 30% good - 26% average - 13% poor - 5% rubbish)

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