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© Rharrison

Tim on Stalaktosaurus in Alibalik, Geyikbayiri

Tim on Stalaktosaurus in Alibalik, Geyikbayiri
© Rharrison

Sapphire ice cave, March 2020

Sapphire ice cave, March 2020
© Rharrison

Eruption in Fagradalsfjall

Eruption in Fagradalsfjall
© Rharrison

Greenland highball

Greenland highball
© Maja Østbye

Skaftafellsfjöll from the south ridge of Rauðhellar

Skaftafellsfjöll from the south ridge of Rauðhellar
© Rharrison

South summit of Hrútsfjallstindar, taken after climbing the SW face (original route)

South summit of Hrútsfjallstindar, taken after climbing the SW face (original route)
© Rharrison

Óli starting up the second pitch of Sléttubjargafoss WI5

Óli starting up the second pitch of Sléttubjargafoss WI5
© Rharrison

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