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Best Climbing Experience
Whanganui bay in New Zealand

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About My Photography
I am a professional photographer with my own business based in Birmingham.
I shoot mostly commercial work as well as some editorial assignments. I also shoot stock imagery and am a contributor to Getty Images.

Photo Gallery


© Edward Shaw

South Ridge, edited for Mat Amos, re forum post

South Ridge, edited for Mat Amos, re forum post
© Matt Amos as edited by Ed Shaw

Brian leading Marathon Man at Shining Cliff (E3 6a)with Mike belaying

Brian leading Marathon Man at Shining Cliff (E3 6a)with Mike belaying
© Edward Shaw

Nigel Hooker leading Wishful Thinking

Nigel Hooker leading Wishful Thinking
© Edward Shaw

Rainbow over the Burbage South from the approach track

Rainbow over the Burbage South from the approach track
© Edward Shaw

Rob nearing the top of Pink Un

Rob nearing the top of Pink Un
© Edward Shaw

Cruising up Enter the Goat E2 5b, Trevallan

Cruising up Enter the Goat E2 5b, Trevallan
© Edward Shaw

Cruising up Enter the Goat E2 5b, Trevallen, Pembrokeshire

Cruising up Enter the Goat E2 5b, Trevallen, Pembrokeshire
© Edward Shaw

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I've voted for 34 photos, average vote 3.7.
(26% superb - 32% good - 26% average - 11% poor - 2% rubbish)

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