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Best Climbing Experience
Climbing Point 5, Smiths & Observatory Buttress on a perfectly calm late spring morning. Summer evenings in Sean's field after another good day at Fairhead. My first alpine route bivi on the Frendo Spur. 2 blue sky February days in Torridon with first class ice climbing & glissading descents . Everything about The Walker Spur. Our 3 star bivi below the Piz Badile & being fast for once on The Cassin route.

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Scottish Winter

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Interests Outside Climbing
Surfing, Trail running, BJJ & Travel

Photo Gallery

David cursing his way up the main pitch

David cursing his way up the main pitch
© David Keogh

Misha on p1 of Travesty

Misha on p1 of Travesty
© davkeo

Escape from Hell

Escape from Hell
© David Keogh

Dave Almond high on the crux pitch 3

Dave Almond high on the crux pitch 3
© davkeo

Just before bailing off p2 of Footloose in icy conditions

Just before bailing off p2 of Footloose in icy conditions
© Andy Wilson

On the first of the crack pitches which continues up & away right wards.

On the first of the crack pitches which continues up & away right wards.
© Helen R

P5 of Reise ins Reich der Eiszwerge

P5 of Reise ins Reich der Eiszwerge
© Artem Babichenko

Climber on p2 of Manner ohne Nerven

Climber on p2 of Manner ohne Nerven
© David Keogh

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