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Climbed as a kid (didnt realise how lucky I was to have mountaineering parents), quit when I was a stroppy teenager, the fire was re-kindled a couple of years ago.


Best Climbing Experience
Too many. Its all about having fun isn't it? But here's a few that really stick in the memory...

- The Dibona. What a climb. I seem to find when things don't quite go to plan give the most memorable experiences, but this is the only time only route I've done where it went perfect and the memory is still very strong, absolutely stunning route.
- Mittenlengi Integrale. Our first alpine objective was the matterhorn which we trained for all spring, I knew every in and out of the topo and route beforehand, got way too stressed about and got totally battered by bad weather. A week later with a postcard for a guidebook, enthusiasm of youth and 3 days of complete adventure, we were on the summit of the Eiger.
- Learning to ice climb on the Frendo. We learned a lot, very quickly

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Trying to get better

Photo Gallery

2nd pitch of the upper chimneys on the Cassin

2nd pitch of the upper chimneys on the Cassin
© Birks

Swinging leads with Dad (aged 70) on Dream of White Horses. Doesn't get better than this.

Swinging leads with Dad (aged 70) on Dream of White Horses. Doesn't get better than this.
© Birks

Classic day out

Classic day out
© Birks

Thornthwaite Crag, the view back towards Hartsop

Thornthwaite Crag, the view back towards Hartsop
© Birks

The slabby gearless traverse pitch

The slabby gearless traverse pitch
© Birks

Georgia perfectly demonstrating the diving board belly flop move

Georgia perfectly demonstrating the diving board belly flop move
© Birks

Pulling through the overlap

Pulling through the overlap
© Birks

Hanging on the jug of glory

Hanging on the jug of glory
© Birks

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