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Best Climbing Experience
Climbing classic routes i've dreamed of doing for years.

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Photo Gallery

Hanging Flakes, Combeshead Tor, V3/4

Hanging Flakes, Combeshead Tor, V3/4
© richardr

Rich on a 6a, Tunhill, Dartmoor.

Rich on a 6a, Tunhill, Dartmoor.
© Richard Ray

Owen On Barney Rubble (7a+)

Owen On Barney Rubble (7a+)
© richardr

Me on a holiday redpoint.

Me on a holiday redpoint.
© richardr


© richardr

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I've voted for 116 photos, average vote 3.8.
(25% superb - 48% good - 11% average - 11% poor - 4% rubbish)

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