Spanish Jack

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Best Climbing Experience
The Diamond Face on the Old man of Stoer in full sunshine.

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 5 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Schlosserei, Unentwegtenwand, Student, Almoser Wand, Sprungstein

Interests Outside Climbing

Photo Gallery

Angus topping out in the dark

Angus topping out in the dark
© Spanish Jack

Don Wito enjoying an evening climb.

Don Wito enjoying an evening climb.
© Spanish Jack

Starting the locomotive.

Starting the locomotive.
© Spanish Jack

Mgeek getting established on Porko on a beautiful summer evening.

Mgeek getting established on Porko on a beautiful summer evening.
© Spanish Jack

Spanish Jack

Spanish Jack
© Spanish Jack

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