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Cambridge, UK.

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Death Metal, High Energy Physics, Pizza

Photo Gallery

Panorama of Tumwater Canyon with Castle Rock in the centre. Taken from above "The Beach" area

Panorama of Tumwater Canyon with Castle Rock in the centre. Taken from above "The Beach" area
© scnlf

View from Persuasion

View from Persuasion
© scnlf

View from the top of 'Diamond Solitaire'

View from the top of 'Diamond Solitaire'
© scnlf

The view from Mad Meadows Area

The view from Mad Meadows Area
© scnlf

'The Hueco Route' sit starts low to the left, finish match in the higher pocket.

'The Hueco Route' sit starts low to the left, finish match in the higher pocket.
© scnlf

The Heel Hook boulder. '-left', '-center', and '-right' are, erm, left, central, and right of the overhang.

The Heel Hook boulder. '-left', '-center', and '-right' are, erm, left, central, and right of the overhang.
© scnlf

The 'Hate Rock' boulder. The routes from 'Cramps' run from back left up to the overhang. 'Raven' is just right of the overhang.

The 'Hate Rock' boulder. The routes from 'Cramps' run from back left up to the overhang. 'Raven' is just right of the overhang.
© scnlf

According to guide book, the landing is 'sloped'. It's more: "log-rock-river" in my opinion.

According to guide book, the landing is 'sloped'. It's more: "log-rock-river" in my opinion.
© scnlf

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