Jemima Churchhouse

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Snake Dike, Half Dome, Yosemite. Incredible day! Enjoyed this a lot more than the Regular NWF...

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Gender equality in sport

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Photo Gallery

Murray cranking hard on K’n’S Special

Murray cranking hard on K’n’S Special
© Jemima Churchhouse

Will hanging the jugs whilst he was still on route

Will hanging the jugs whilst he was still on route
© Jemima Churchhouse

Cold fingers and blue skies on The Sentinel

Cold fingers and blue skies on The Sentinel
© Jemima Churchhouse

Slapping for the top on steep side of Lone Boulder.

Slapping for the top on steep side of Lone Boulder.
© Jemima Churchhouse

Holly sticking the crux

Holly sticking the crux
© Jemima Churchhouse

Sunshine and showers in Langdale - Gwil enjoying the bottom pitch of Revelation.

Sunshine and showers in Langdale - Gwil enjoying the bottom pitch of Revelation.
© Jemima Churchhouse

Tickled by something pre-crux (disputed) on Dextrous Hare.

Tickled by something pre-crux (disputed) on Dextrous Hare.
© Jemima Churchhouse

Jemima Churchhouse

Jemima Churchhouse
© Jemima Churchhouse

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