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Best Climbing Experience
They're all good, in their own ways.

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Enjoying the evening light on the Ring Crags, Ardnamurchan

Enjoying the evening light on the Ring Crags, Ardnamurchan
© DannyC

Almost there: A leader through the final difficulties on Crest Route (I think)

Almost there: A leader through the final difficulties on Crest Route (I think)
© DannyC

And now you don't.

And now you don't.
© DannyC

Argentière Glacier

Argentière Glacier
© DannyC

Beautiful conditions at Beinn Udlaidh

Beautiful conditions at Beinn Udlaidh
© DannyC

Argentière Glacier

Argentière Glacier
© DannyC

A pretty hellish experience, all in all. Exiting the Devil's Cauldron. A little damp.

A pretty hellish experience, all in all. Exiting the Devil's Cauldron. A little damp.
© DannyC

Soloing at the lovely cliff above the white sand of Bay MacNeil, Ardnamurchan.

Soloing at the lovely cliff above the white sand of Bay MacNeil, Ardnamurchan.
© DannyC

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I've voted for 662 photos, average vote 4.5.
(66% superb - 23% good - 4% average - 3% poor - 2% rubbish)

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