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Looking back along the Southeast ridge of Nadelhorn after a successful traverse from Lenspitze

Looking back along the Southeast ridge of Nadelhorn after a successful traverse from Lenspitze
© Devonr28

Christmas Eve jaunt up Stob Coire Nan Lochan

Christmas Eve jaunt up Stob Coire Nan Lochan
© Devonr28

Abseiling one of the many gendarmes on the South East ridge of Nadelhorn

Abseiling one of the many gendarmes on the South East ridge of Nadelhorn
© Devonr28

Stuart MacLeod on La Clessidra Dei Celsius

Stuart MacLeod on La Clessidra Dei Celsius
© Devonr28

Ben Nevis in May

Ben Nevis in May
© Devonr28

Lost Valley

Lost Valley
© Devonr28

Perfect evening at Hawkcraig

Perfect evening at Hawkcraig
© Devonr28

A brief glimpse of Loch Treig during winter ascent of Stob Coire Sgriodain in May

A brief glimpse of Loch Treig during winter ascent of Stob Coire Sgriodain in May
© Devonr28

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