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I WILL take ages packing gear up while you look on impatiently. Loving the grit, don't really like limestone much, need to spend more time on Metamorphic and Igneous rock.


Best Climbing Experience
Big long mountain days where you feel like you've earned a pint and roast.

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Photo Gallery

Sun starting to hit the slabs and it's 1000 degrees immediately

Sun starting to hit the slabs and it's 1000 degrees immediately
© PaulJepson

South Ridge Direct

South Ridge Direct
© PaulJepson

Lovely day for it

Lovely day for it
© PaulJepson

2nd Pitch of Howhard

2nd Pitch of Howhard
© Badgerjockey

Gurning up the first pitch

Gurning up the first pitch
© Graeme Hammond

Evmund belaying Liera on a sunny and quiet April Saturday.

Evmund belaying Liera on a sunny and quiet April Saturday.
© PaulJepson

Jus Chillin

Jus Chillin
© PaulJepson

Jugs for dayz

Jugs for dayz
© Jamie Black

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