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I like to climb rocks and take pictures of my friends


Best Climbing Experience
Kalymnos 2021 trip with 12 of the best people

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Photo Gallery

Rowtor magic

Rowtor magic
© KGshoots

Rowtor magic

Rowtor magic
© KGshoots

Stiff grades out here…

Stiff grades out here…
© KGshoots

Autumn sunsets

Autumn sunsets
© KGshoots


© KGshoots

Jawbreaker at high (ish) tide

Jawbreaker at high (ish) tide
© KGshoots

Clearest of days

Clearest of days
© KGshoots

Sep-19 Crib Goch approach

Sep-19 Crib Goch approach
© KGshoots

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I've voted for 410 photos, average vote 4.4.
(57% superb - 26% good - 11% average - 1% poor - 1% rubbish)

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