Climber of 13 years - trad, sport, winter, bouldering. My highs have been spent on the sea cliffs of Pabbay, the rocky alpine routes of Chamonix, and the mountains of the Cairngorms.
Best Onsights Trad - E2 Bouldering - f6B+ Sport - 6c+
Worked Grades Sport - 7a+
I Climb... Several times a week In the UK
Latest Climbs East Face Route (Original Route) E1 5b Eagle Ridge (Summer) S Cyclops HVS 5a Klacktovededstene D Constellation S Epistrophe VS 4c High Voltage 6b+ Power Flower 6c Paws for Thought 6b Boarding Party 6b Beat the Bulge 6b+ Ginger's Jewels 6b+ What Every Woman Wants 7a Gut Feeling 6b+ The Zoo 6a+ ... list all 522 climbs