Emlyn Price

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Best Climbing Experience
Climbing Centurion on Ben Nevis one of the best routes of recent, another is topping out under a a stary sky on missing link a 9 pitch traverse on St.Davids head.

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Returning from Stob Ban towards Sgurr a Mhaim

Returning from Stob Ban towards Sgurr a Mhaim
© Emlyn Price

Heading to the summit of Stob Ban on a beautiful blustery day in Glen Nevis

Heading to the summit of Stob Ban on a beautiful blustery day in Glen Nevis
© Emlyn Price

Ben Traversing a snow patch on Sgurr MhicCoinnich

Ben Traversing a snow patch on Sgurr MhicCoinnich
© Emlyn Price

Ben Traversing the An Stac Bypass in alpine conditions

Ben Traversing the An Stac Bypass in alpine conditions
© Emlyn Price

Andy crossing a section on the Aonach Eagach

Andy crossing a section on the Aonach Eagach
© Emlyn Price

Sunrise over the summit of Crib Goch

Sunrise over the summit of Crib Goch
© Emlyn Price

Ossian Boulevard

Ossian Boulevard
© Scott Quinn

Alison Rib, Alpine Style

Alison Rib, Alpine Style
© Emlyn Price

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