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North wales

Best Climbing Experience
Gogarth, Ceuse Font

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Photo Gallery

Sunset on Elidir Fawr Last Easter

Sunset on Elidir Fawr Last Easter
© GwionLlew1

Inversion from Elidir Fawr

Inversion from Elidir Fawr
© GwionLlew1

Sunset from Elidir Fawr

Sunset from Elidir Fawr
© GwionLlew1

Windy clouds on Mont blanc du tacul summit

Windy clouds on Mont blanc du tacul summit
© GwionLlew1

Caff climbing eliminates

Caff climbing eliminates
© GwionLlew1

Dave  Fidler pulling hard

Dave Fidler pulling hard
© GwionLlew1

Inversion looking down from Elidir fawr towards Sir Fon

Inversion looking down from Elidir fawr towards Sir Fon
© GwionLlew1

Sam Nunn taking the full ride on Sole Power

Sam Nunn taking the full ride on Sole Power
© GwionLlew1

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