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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 14 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Pointe de la Grande Glière, La Grande Falaise de Séloge, Aiguille de la Vanoise, Pointe de Creux Noir, Montagne de la Grande Val, Moriond, Petite Aiguille de l'Arcelin, Dent de la portetta, Prameruel, Pointe de l’observatoire ... plus 4 more

Photo Gallery

Topping out in the midnight sun

Topping out in the midnight sun
© BenKent

Chris slithering on the first ascent of ‘Brown Mamba’ E4 5c **

Chris slithering on the first ascent of ‘Brown Mamba’ E4 5c **
© BenKent

Stormy conditions in the Zawn

Stormy conditions in the Zawn
© BenKent

Reindeer Race first ascent

Reindeer Race first ascent
© BenKent

A stunning evening on samson

A stunning evening on samson
© BenKent

Tim pulling up the final moves on the first ascent of the stunning arete ‘Boogie Wonderland’ E4 5c

Tim pulling up the final moves on the first ascent of the stunning arete ‘Boogie Wonderland’ E4 5c
© BenKent

Cold Hands on Copenhagen

Cold Hands on Copenhagen
© BenKent

April sea looking inviting?

April sea looking inviting?
© BenKent

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