Fraser Corrie

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 19 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Thorn Crag, Barker Scar, Birkrigg Quarry, Sharp Haw and Flasby Fell, Dovehole Boulders, Eskdale Fisherground, Seathwaite Bouldering Circuit, Dalton Crags Boulders, Yeadon Crag, Cow Close Crag ... plus 9 more

Photo Gallery

Northumberland sessions.

Northumberland sessions.
© Fraser Corrie

FA of County Lines at Rylstone.

FA of County Lines at Rylstone.
© Fraser Corrie

Treading the Eel SS

Treading the Eel SS
© Fraser Corrie

Lowball scrapping.

Lowball scrapping.
© Fraser Corrie

Eliminate ‘Slapper in the Sun’ at Birkrigg Quarry.

Eliminate ‘Slapper in the Sun’ at Birkrigg Quarry.
© Fraser Corrie

Toady - green = start holds, blue = intra holds, red = finish, yellow = feet.

Toady - green = start holds, blue = intra holds, red = finish, yellow = feet.
© Fraser Corrie

Beckside bouldering.

Beckside bouldering.
© Fraser Corrie

Logan Beck in the evening light.

Logan Beck in the evening light.
© Fraser Corrie

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