Ed Dickson

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Best Climbing Experience
Loads-soloing on Dartmoor, pushing it on a trad route. Abbing off Tryfan in a hailstorm. Tennis Shoe on the Idwal Slabs, 10 years after reading about it in Climber. Walking back to the car on a summers evening through the woods in the Wye Valley. Seaside limestone. The Camino del Rey. Everything!

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Interests Outside Climbing
Fell running and cycling

Photo Gallery

Brendan B on The Ramp(?) Cromlech Boulders

Brendan B on The Ramp(?) Cromlech Boulders
© Ed Dickson

View from Plas Y Brenin

View from Plas Y Brenin
© Ed Dickson

Alex Harper going with the flow

Alex Harper going with the flow
© Ed Dickson

Spiral Stairs belay

Spiral Stairs belay
© Ed Dickson

Go with the Flow F6a with the Black Mountains behind

Go with the Flow F6a with the Black Mountains behind
© Ed Dickson

Llanberis Pass

Llanberis Pass
© Ed Dickson

Alex Harper at Crag X Gilwern Hill

Alex Harper at Crag X Gilwern Hill
© Ed Dickson

View of Symonds Yat East village

View of Symonds Yat East village
© Ed Dickson

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