Jim Lancs

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Best Climbing Experience
Sunny evening on Wallowbarrow.
or any sunny day on Kalymnos!

Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
Getting inspiration for new places to climb.

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Interests Outside Climbing
Have done quite a lot of cycling.

About My Photography
Still clicking away after all these years.

Photo Gallery

Sh*t - missed the ferry! (Goatfell on the Isle of Arran from Ardrossan)

Sh*t - missed the ferry! (Goatfell on the Isle of Arran from Ardrossan)
© Jim Lancs

Blencathra with 3 feet of powder snow

Blencathra with 3 feet of powder snow
© Jim Lancs

Gimmer from Rossett Ghyll path

Gimmer from Rossett Ghyll path
© Jim Lancs

Tody's Wall, Froggatt Edge

Tody's Wall, Froggatt Edge
© Jim Lancs

Heading for Great Calva

Heading for Great Calva
© Jim Lancs

Crossing gate on track up to Skiddaw House

Crossing gate on track up to Skiddaw House
© Jim Lancs

Sunny evening on Onedin Line

Sunny evening on Onedin Line
© Jim Lancs

Fine style on Kern Knotts Crack

Fine style on Kern Knotts Crack
© Taken from JEB Wright's "The Technique of Mountaineering&q

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I've voted for 22 photos, average vote 4.7.
(72% superb - 22% good - 4% average - 0% poor - 0% rubbish)

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