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Photo Gallery

The demo route shot

The demo route shot
© tomcoppola97

P5 on Angle’s Girdle, just at the downclimb

P5 on Angle’s Girdle, just at the downclimb
© tomcoppola97

Stepping to the side on Sidestep, HS 4b

Stepping to the side on Sidestep, HS 4b
© tomcoppola97

Briggsy taking in the views, top of P2

Briggsy taking in the views, top of P2
© tomcoppola97

George throwing shapes on the traverse

George throwing shapes on the traverse
© tomcoppola97

Wedged in on thunderball

Wedged in on thunderball
© tomcoppola97

Little corner struggle on El Hachame

Little corner struggle on El Hachame
© tomcoppola97

Traversing on a route called Superdirect apparently

Traversing on a route called Superdirect apparently
© tomcoppola97

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I've voted for 46 photos, average vote 4.5.
(84% superb - 4% good - 0% average - 2% poor - 8% rubbish)

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