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Articles by nikgoile

Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 5 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: South Lake Tahoe Bouldering, Bob Marley - RRG, Chica Bonita (RRG->PMRP), Dedegol, Mont Brion

Photo Gallery

Pitch 1 of Milestone Direct

Pitch 1 of Milestone Direct
© Nik Goile

Tennis Shoe: The Final Pitch

Tennis Shoe: The Final Pitch
© Nik Goile

There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood
© nikgoile

Looking Down Great Gully

Looking Down Great Gully
© Nik Goile

Great Gully - Great Cave Pitch

Great Gully - Great Cave Pitch
© Nik Goile

Dave on P2 of Skin So Soft!

Dave on P2 of Skin So Soft!
© nikgoile

Steve on Splosh

Steve on Splosh
© nikgoile

Dan on Splosh

Dan on Splosh
© nikgoile

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