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Nice view to wake up to at Berneray Hostel

Nice view to wake up to at Berneray Hostel
© Godwin

A rainy day in Calpe

A rainy day in Calpe
© Godwin

Sunrise at The Kasbah

Sunrise at The Kasbah
© Godwin

Sunset over Samazar

Sunset over Samazar
© Godwin

The Meseta, 200km to Leon

The Meseta, 200km to Leon
© Godwin

Gun target and associated building

Gun target and associated building
© Godwin

Gun target near Blea Tarn

Gun target near Blea Tarn
© Godwin

Turn off after quarry, beyond Biiugira, for Tafaroute and Kasbah

Turn off after quarry, beyond Biiugira, for Tafaroute and Kasbah
© Godwin

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I've voted for 9 photos, average vote 4.4.
(77% superb - 11% good - 0% average - 0% poor - 11% rubbish)

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