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Best Climbing Experience
Too many to list - even the bad bits are pretty good! Punta d'Albigna was good and I really enjoyed Eagle Front and Sou'wester Slabs.

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Interests Outside Climbing
Running and open water swimming.

Photo Gallery

Ben Nevis

Ben Nevis
© cathsullivan

Descending the East Ridge of Piz Bacun

Descending the East Ridge of Piz Bacun
© Peter Metcalfe

Pitch 4 of Will-o'-the-Wisp and the lovely Cwm Cywarch

Pitch 4 of Will-o'-the-Wisp and the lovely Cwm Cywarch
© Peter Metcalfe

Pitch 10 of Classique de la Face Sud, Aiguille Dibona

Pitch 10 of Classique de la Face Sud, Aiguille Dibona
© cathsullivan

NE Ridge of Spazzacaldeira

NE Ridge of Spazzacaldeira
© cathsullivan

Anne on The Gordian Knot

Anne on The Gordian Knot
© cathsullivan

Climbers at the top of Torre Piccola di Falzarego - from the final pitches of Torre Grande di Falzarego

Climbers at the top of Torre Piccola di Falzarego - from the final pitches of Torre Grande di Falzarego
© cathsullivan

Aguille Dibona

Aguille Dibona
© cathsullivan

Click to view cathsullivan's gallery. (104 photos)
Chosen as the Featured Gallery on 23-Sep-09.
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I've voted for 39 photos, average vote 4.3.
(48% superb - 41% good - 5% average - 2% poor - 2% rubbish)

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