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I've been fighting gravity for over 55 years. Unlike me it doesn't seem to be tiring, getting older or prone to injury.

I'm still trying though!

NE England

Best Climbing Experience
There's lots, Baffin Island in 1975 was a spicy experience for a young Blakey, reaching flat ground after a slow ascent of the Muir Wall would be another. First trip to the Verdon in 1976 was pretty special, as was Tuolumne with my wife in 1997. I was lucky enough to live on the doorstep of the Cochise Stronghold in Arizona for 18 months - that was quite something. Nowadays I dig around in the County looking for (and finding) new venues and generally enjoy the company and crack of the squad on our Saturday sessions. A flying visit to Riglos paid dividends, ticking Biceps, which was something I'd wanted to do for years. And in 2019 weaving between the lockdowns I managed 9eventually) to do the Comici Diamai on Tre Cime, something I first tried in 1977. That was a big day!

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Interests Outside Climbing
My wife and nipper.

About My Photography
I only take snaps...........

Photo Gallery

Bob jumping off the Poseidon Adventure circa 1979

Bob jumping off the Poseidon Adventure circa 1979
© SteveSBlake

Almost there... Jon on the traverse above the roof at the top of the Comici Dimai

Almost there... Jon on the traverse above the roof at the top of the Comici Dimai
© SteveSBlake

Graeme Read approaching the stance at the top of pitch 10

Graeme Read approaching the stance at the top of pitch 10
© SteveSBlake

Dolomite cloud inversion.

Dolomite cloud inversion.
© SteveSBlake

Mike Smith lowering out to start a long jug on the Muir Wall

Mike Smith lowering out to start a long jug on the Muir Wall
© SteveSBlake

January 2009, 32 years after the FA

January 2009, 32 years after the FA
© SteveSBlake

The descent from the End Pinnacle of the Rockfellow Group

The descent from the End Pinnacle of the Rockfellow Group
© SteveSBlake


© SteveSBlake

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Chosen as the Featured Gallery on 22-Dec-06.
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I've voted for 152 photos, average vote 4.6.
(63% superb - 29% good - 6% average - 0% poor - 0% rubbish)

Anything Else We Should Know
It may not seem like it, but I don't take myself too seriously. Nor should anyone else.

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