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Blind Ambition: Jesse Dufton on his non-sight lead of Forked Lightening Crack at Heptonstall

Blind Ambition: Jesse Dufton on his non-sight lead of Forked Lightening Crack at Heptonstall
© Molly Dufton

Roslin Glacier, Stauning Alps, Greenland

Roslin Glacier, Stauning Alps, Greenland
© mol

The Bludgeon receiving the non-sight treatment.

The Bludgeon receiving the non-sight treatment.
© mol

Jesse Dufton on The Mincer at the Roaches

Jesse Dufton on The Mincer at the Roaches
© Molly Dufton

Another ridiculous beta sequence from the blind guy, don't follow my chalk...

Another ridiculous beta sequence from the blind guy, don't follow my chalk...
© mol

Jesse cruising along Legacy at Kinder North

Jesse cruising along Legacy at Kinder North
© mol

Jesse Dufton climbs a contender for the best HVS on grit

Jesse Dufton climbs a contender for the best HVS on grit
© mol

Jesse on Rubicon in Joshua Tree

Jesse on Rubicon in Joshua Tree
© Molly Dufton

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