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A keen climber with over 30 years experience. Fitter and a much better climber now than I was 20 years ago!

North East England

Best Climbing Experience
Multi-pitch in Verdon Gorge, bouldering in Font, great holiday sport days in various Mediterranean destinations, especially Costa Blanca and Kalymnos. Numerous brill onsight trad cragging days on gritstone in Peak and Yorkshire.

Recent Postings

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Interests Outside Climbing
Running, especially off road, long distances, ultras
Walking my greyhound, Maya.
Watching rugby union.

About My Photography
Rarely done and of poor quality.

Photo Gallery

Left Wall E5 6a

Left Wall E5 6a
© climberchristy

Just before the whipper

Just before the whipper
© climberchristy

Spock's Missing

Spock's Missing
© Ben Cole


© Sandra Birklbauer


© Sandra Birklbauer


© Sandra Birklbauer

Now that's a rest!

Now that's a rest!
© climberchristy

The brilliant Lemon Crumble

The brilliant Lemon Crumble
© climberchristy

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Click to list photo comments written by me. (26 comments)
I've voted for 56 photos, average vote 4.4.
(62% superb - 23% good - 10% average - 1% poor - 1% rubbish)

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