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Interests Outside Climbing
Road Cycling.
Designer / Artist

Photo Gallery

Simon leading the excellent Plantation Crack.

Simon leading the excellent Plantation Crack.
© fugg

Simon leading Pillar Rib.

Simon leading Pillar Rib.
© fugg

Ainsley on The Slab

Ainsley on The Slab
© fugg

Greenfingers VS 4c

Greenfingers VS 4c
© fugg

Simon leading Knows HVS 5B

Simon leading Knows HVS 5B
© fugg

Simon bouldering out the lower half of Fist Crack.

Simon bouldering out the lower half of Fist Crack.
© fugg

Chris cruising Ali Baba

Chris cruising Ali Baba
© fugg

Dan Fuggle(aged 7) climbing well in trainers

Dan Fuggle(aged 7) climbing well in trainers
© fugg

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I've voted for 3,411 photos, average vote 3.3.
(12% superb - 28% good - 35% average - 19% poor - 3% rubbish)

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