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Photo Gallery

Spicy hand traverse on Corvus.

Spicy hand traverse on Corvus.
© KelliePyart

An absolute classic!

An absolute classic!
© KelliePyart

A gorgeous autumn outing on Little Chamonix.

A gorgeous autumn outing on Little Chamonix.
© KelliePyart

Climbing along the airy traverse on second pitch of Pedestal. A great position!

Climbing along the airy traverse on second pitch of Pedestal. A great position!
© KellieTarr

Kellie on Christmas Crack

Kellie on Christmas Crack
© KelliePyart

Leading a lovely flowy high buttress arete.

Leading a lovely flowy high buttress arete.
© KelliePyart

A top 50 worth doing.

A top 50 worth doing.
© KelliePyart

Plenty of gear available.

Plenty of gear available.
© KelliePyart

Click to view KelliePyart's gallery. (19 photos)
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I've voted for 3 photos, average vote 4.7.
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