drunken monkey

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Best Climbing Experience
Doing the Skye Ridge.
Doing Mont Blanc from Chamonix via the 3 Monts route and back to Chamonix in a day.
Getting to the top of my first 6000m peak.

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Interests Outside Climbing
Football, Rugby,

Photo Gallery

Brockenspectre from Am Bodach

Brockenspectre from Am Bodach
© drunken monkey

Andy S on the Devils Ridge

Andy S on the Devils Ridge
© drunken monkey

Ben A Bhuird from the air 2004

Ben A Bhuird from the air 2004
© drunken monkey

Sloy Dam

Sloy Dam
© drunken monkey

R137 Skye

R137 Skye
© drunken monkey

Rescue on Sgurr Dubh Mor - Skye

Rescue on Sgurr Dubh Mor - Skye
© drunken monkey

View From summit of Lobuche East

View From summit of Lobuche East
© drunken monkey

About to winch

About to winch
© drunken monkey

Click to view drunken monkey's gallery. (22 photos)
Chosen as the Featured Gallery on 23-Oct-08.
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Click to list photo comments written by me. (123 comments)
I've voted for 173 photos, average vote 4.7.
(75% superb - 21% good - 0% average - 0% poor - 1% rubbish)

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