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Climbers on Nape's Needle, April 2013

Climbers on Nape's Needle, April 2013
© Crofty

End of the day on Swirral Edge

End of the day on Swirral Edge
© Crofty

The classic corner of Laugh Not.

The classic corner of Laugh Not.
© Crofty

Looning the Tube

Looning the Tube
© Crofty

The Traverse

The Traverse
© Crofty

Looking across to the route after we had done it.

Looking across to the route after we had done it.
© Crofty

James on the rounded holds of Byne's Route, VS 4c, Stanage Popular.

James on the rounded holds of Byne's Route, VS 4c, Stanage Popular.
© Crofty

Pete Brown on Wellington Crack. E4 5c Ilkley Quarry.

Pete Brown on Wellington Crack. E4 5c Ilkley Quarry.
© Crofty

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I've voted for 132 photos, average vote 3.7.
(28% superb - 40% good - 12% average - 9% poor - 9% rubbish)

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