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"Silly Arete" with Deg. Cloggy adventures with James. 27hrs on Aiguille du Tour with Dan and Clare...

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Atmospheric day on the Aiguilles Rouges

Atmospheric day on the Aiguilles Rouges
© chrishedgehog

Chris Harrison on 'Figures on a Landscape' 5.10b North Astro Dome, Joshua Tree

Chris Harrison on 'Figures on a Landscape' 5.10b North Astro Dome, Joshua Tree
© Chris Harrison

Llithrig crux, minus the pendulum

Llithrig crux, minus the pendulum
© chrishedgehog

Mandarin, E2 5b *** Hoghton Quarry

Mandarin, E2 5b *** Hoghton Quarry
© chrishedgehog

Embarking on the crux traverse

Embarking on the crux traverse
© chrishedgehog

Mur Y Niwl Pitch Two

Mur Y Niwl Pitch Two
© chrishedgehog

Mangyondae Ridge - nicely exposed position with a delicate down-climb to come

Mangyondae Ridge - nicely exposed position with a delicate down-climb to come
© chrishedgehog

Ricochet Wall HVS 5b looking a little green.

Ricochet Wall HVS 5b looking a little green.
© chrishedgehog

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