Albert Tatlock

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62 Coronation St Weatherfield

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Interests Outside Climbing
Classic motorbikes, black puddings, going to bingo, line dancing, eating crisps and Listening to my Bay City Rollers albums .

Photo Gallery

Aig d' Argentiere

Aig d' Argentiere
© Albert Tatlock

East Ridge Punta Kennedy 2005

East Ridge Punta Kennedy 2005
© Albert Tatlock

The steep bit

The steep bit
© Albert Tatlock

Bivy below Fissure Brown

Bivy below Fissure Brown
© Albert Tatlock

Le Saussois snake juice, two bottles demolished -  1986.

Le Saussois snake juice, two bottles demolished - 1986.
© Albert Tatlock

Upper section of Cordier Pillar

Upper section of Cordier Pillar
© Albert Tatlock

North Ridge

North Ridge
© Albert Tatlock

The lads -Chamonix 1985

The lads -Chamonix 1985
© Albert Tatlock

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I've voted for 226 photos, average vote 3.9.
(57% superb - 12% good - 7% average - 9% poor - 12% rubbish)

Anything Else We Should Know
President of Weatherfield Climbing Club and Rochdale Fur Fanciers.

Been abducted twice by Aliens in Todmorden.

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