Best Climbing Experience
The Ecrins the first time I went there in the summer of 2007, climbing in stunning scenery, doing my first multipitch and leads. Oh and my first F6a, small pleasures.
Also very atmospheric climbing at sunset in the Gardoms with Broccoligirl, SFM and Catt before scampering off for a pub dinner by the fire :)
Singing (or trying to) various rock songs with Endless Winter at the 2nd belay stance on a cold multipitch in North Wales whilst waiting for the b*stard queue to clear so we could start climbing again!
Getting to the top of the 3rd pitch of a route which had given me the heebie jeebies and being handed a chunk of dark chocolate when I topped out. Cheers Catt!
Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
The fact I went back to the Ecrins this summer.
Just how impressive Catherine Destivelle is.
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Interests Outside Climbing
Heights turn me on.
Would like to get more flying done. I managed to fly a Cessna without killing myself or the pilot, it was one of the most spectacular and surreal experiences of my life to be bumbling about in the sky and following gaps in clouds as if they were roads. Brilliant.
Music and lots of it, travel, architecture, reading, good food/wine.
SFM, especially when he's been oot in the hills and not near a razor :)
Outwitting squirrels especially where food is concerned.
Telling myself to get on with writing that children's book...
About My Photography
It's shite
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Anything Else We Should Know
I have a garden with a small assortment of animals ranging from monkeys and squirrels to polar bear cubs, mental otters and a dancing elephant. I have a 6cm meerkat pup which sleeps next to me on my pillow every night and sings me special meerkat lullabies.
I am a duvet stealer.
Nutella will win over Marmite anyday.