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Stuck in Slough, often looking for a partner. Took up climbing after falling of Rochester Castle whilst celebrating my thirtieth birthday. Have only improved slowly since then.


Best Climbing Experience
Topping out on any route into glorious sunshine, or in winter to the obligatory blizzard.

Recent Postings

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 1 crag, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Placche di Flintstones

Photo Gallery

Eavesdrop Brean Down

Eavesdrop Brean Down
© Deako


© Fatclimber

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Anything Else We Should Know
I'm the slow fat bloke hanging on his gear whilst swearing!

Given the backlash against anonymous postings, I have had my user name for ten years and am not changing it now. However, my name is Steve Williams, I am an individual member of the BMC, I have never attended an area meet or AGM, I am not a member of a club.

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