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Mainly sport climbing these days. Live in Sheffield on the edge of the Peak, can get out most days if the wife lets me.


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Nice finish

Nice finish
© sishaw

Nice finish

Nice finish
© sishaw

Fine positions in the sun

Fine positions in the sun
© sishaw

DAve having to use all his technique to finish this one!!

DAve having to use all his technique to finish this one!!
© sishaw

PDJ Shirt off in the sun

PDJ Shirt off in the sun
© sishaw

On-sight on Lot Antique 7a

On-sight on Lot Antique 7a
© sishaw

Ripping the Ripper

Ripping the Ripper
© sishaw

Steep finish!

Steep finish!
© sishaw

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(35% superb - 42% good - 22% average - 0% poor - 0% rubbish)

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