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Live in Stockport, main interest trad and winter, climbing about 20 years, climbed a few e4s last year but that's on a good day. Enjoy any setting; Pembroke, Peak, Dorset, Llanberis Pass etc.


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Photo Gallery

Sarah relieved to reach the security of the first clip on 'Very Ordinary Route', grade 1, Hedbury

Sarah relieved to reach the security of the first clip on 'Very Ordinary Route', grade 1, Hedbury
© manwithacam

Martin starting up Undercracker, HVS 5a, Baggy Point

Martin starting up Undercracker, HVS 5a, Baggy Point
© manwithacam

Sat halfway up orange sunshine before getting a bit lost

Sat halfway up orange sunshine before getting a bit lost
© manwithacam

Sarah coming up out of gully on the fabulous remote Ling, Lawson and Glovers route

Sarah coming up out of gully on the fabulous remote Ling, Lawson and Glovers route
© manwithacam

Mike on traverse of South Gully

Mike on traverse of South Gully
© manwithacam

Mike R on traverse of Tudor Rose

Mike R on traverse of Tudor Rose
© manwithacam

Alan on Cioch Grooves

Alan on Cioch Grooves
© manwithacam

looking down the slabs of orange sunshine

looking down the slabs of orange sunshine
© manwithacam

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