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Craig Aderyn, The Arete Climb with the Jacobs Ladder start.

Craig Aderyn, The Arete Climb with the Jacobs Ladder start.
© Fiskavaig

Kinder Downfall the day before it thawed again.

Kinder Downfall the day before it thawed again.
© Fiskavaig

Tower Gully, Cwm Cneifion. 18-12-11

Tower Gully, Cwm Cneifion. 18-12-11
© Fiskavaig

Tower Gully, 18-12-11

Tower Gully, 18-12-11
© Fiskavaig

Tower Slabs, 17-2-18

Tower Slabs, 17-2-18
© Fiskavaig

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