Duncan Campbell

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I began climbing as a self-taught sketchy teenager in Devon around 2007. Despite early aspirations to climb big, cold, icey mountains, I soon lost these desires and am now an unashamed rock climber. The particular flavour of rock climbing that I prefer very much depends on the season, and at different times favour bouldering, sport climbing, trad climbing and big multi-pitch routes above the others. Though I am probably most into long single pitch trad climbs and sport climbs.

Since those early days, climbing has shaped and directed my life above all else. From 4 years spent in North Wales, through eventually being led to Sheffield where I eventually found Rope Access to be a good fit for my preferred lifestyle.

I’ve traveled and climbed fairly extensively throughout the U.K. and world though the list of routes I wish to climb and places I’d love to visit is ever expanding.

Though not the most talented climber you’ll ever meet I’d imagine my passion for the lifestyle which it leads some of us down would earn me the “lifer” badge.


Best Climbing Experience
Too many to name but a few that stand out are;

Darkinbad the Brightdayler - Pentire

Right Wall - the Cromlech

End Game - Fair Head

Head Hunter - Huntsman’s Leap

Cockblock - the Grochan

Pretty Girls Make Graves - the Pass

Pren Nota - Siurana

Serpentine - Taipan Wall

The Totem Pole - Tasmania

Les Rivieres Pourpres - Taghia

West Side Story - Burbage

Psycho - Caley

Supercool - Gordale

Shine On - The Diamond

In Profundum Lacu - Pabbay

Major Domo - Gruinard Bay

Ask me another time and I may give different answers entirely! Generally any time when I’ve really gone for it, climbing with a good friend, in a beautiful place.

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About My Photography
Very amateur, it tends to be just for my own personal memories, and even then I rarely get the camera out. Do like to try and take good scenic shots though, especially when they involve unusual light or vistas that only climbers get to see.

Photo Gallery

Duncan Campbell on Kachoong, 21, Mt Arapiles

Duncan Campbell on Kachoong, 21, Mt Arapiles
© Dominique Houyet

Me off kachoong, yeehaa!

Me off kachoong, yeehaa!
© Dominique Houyet

Bridging wide on pitch 2 of Spit in Paradise, Pabbay

Bridging wide on pitch 2 of Spit in Paradise, Pabbay
© Duncan Campbell

Low on the Butcher, E3 5c

Low on the Butcher, E3 5c
© Heather Florence

Flo Tilley grappling with insecure feet and not enough handholds on the classic arête of Rababoum, 7A, Fontainebleau

Flo Tilley grappling with insecure feet and not enough handholds on the classic arête of Rababoum, 7A, Fontainebleau
© Duncan Campbell

Nathan Lee styling his way up John Allen's pebble pulling testpiece; Shirley's Shining Temple

Nathan Lee styling his way up John Allen's pebble pulling testpiece; Shirley's Shining Temple
© Duncan Campbell

Smooth Rob climbing eponymously on White Wall, 6B, Earl

Smooth Rob climbing eponymously on White Wall, 6B, Earl
© Duncan Campbell

Howard Lawledge going for it through the crux of Grezelda, Grezelda, E6 6a, Box Zawn.

Howard Lawledge going for it through the crux of Grezelda, Grezelda, E6 6a, Box Zawn.
© Duncan Campbell

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